Tutorial Lengkap Bisnis Google AdSense Bagi Pemula

Anda ingin belajar cara mendapatkan uang hingga ribuan dolar perbulan dari program Google Adsense melalui tutorial Adsense yang lengkap? 

Pada tutorial Adsense berikut ini saya akan tunjukan dasar-dasar program Google Adsense yang harus Anda pahami, seperti bagaimana cara memulainya, bagaimana cara mendaftar Adsense, apa saja yang diperlukan sebelum mendaftar Adsense, apa saja yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan Adsense, bagaimana cara membuat penghasilan dari Adsense, bagaimana cara membuat dan memasang iklan Adsense, dan lain-lain.

Saya harap tutorial Adsense ini bisa bermanfaat bagi Anda, terutama para pemula yang ingin segera memiliki akun Adsense dan mendapatkan uang ribuan dolar atau puluhan juta rupiah setiap bulannya dari internet. Baiklah, mari kita mulai...

What is Google Adsense / Apa sih Google Adsense itu? 

Adsense adalah sebuah program yang bisa diikuti oleh siapa saja yang ingin mendapatkan penghasilan uang tambahan dari internet dengan cara memasang iklanGoogle Adsense pada website atau blog milik Anda.

Isi Iklan Adsense yang nantinya muncul dalam blog Anda akan menyesuaikan dengan isi konten blog Anda. Misalnya, jika konten situs Anda membahas tentang mobil atau otomotif, maka kemungkinan besar iklan Adsense yang muncul pun adalah iklan-iklan tentang otomotif. Sistem Google akan men-scan isi blog Anda dan mengirim iklan yang relevan/sesuai. (Google sangat canggih!).

Apakah program Google Adsense Gratis? 

Ya, program Google Adsense adalah 100% gratis!

Apakah orang Indonesia boleh mengikuti program Google Adsense? 

Ya, siapapun dan tinggal dimanapun Anda bisa mengikuti program Adsense. Program ini telah diikuti ratusan ribu orang diseluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia.

Apakah saya harus menguasai bahasa Inggris? 

Tidak perlu, Anda bisa memasang iklan Adsense pada situs berbahasa Indonesia maupun pada situs berbahasa Inggris.

Apa saja yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar Adsense? 

Yang Anda perlukan adalah sebuah blog sederhana yang berisi konten bermanfaat. Untuk mendaftar program Adsense nantinya situs Anda harus didaftarkan, jika diterima nantinya Anda bisa memasang iklan Adsense pada situs tersebut dan situs-situs lainnya milik Anda. Tips membuat situs yang bagus adalah fokus pada satu topik bahasan saja dan isinya harus asli (original bukan hasil copy paste), Gampang!

Berapa banyak uang yang bisa saya dapatkan dari Google Adsense? 

Banyaknya penghasilan Adsense yang bisa Anda dapatkan akan tergantung pada beberapa hal, seperti banyaknya orang yang mengunjungi situs Anda, kesusuaian isi situs dengan iklan Adsense yang muncul, banyaknya klik yang diperoleh, dan lain-lain.

Semakin banyak jumlah trafik pengunjung suatu blog maka kemungkinan besar pendapatan Adsense-nya pun akan semakin besar. Komisi per klik iklan Adsense biasanya antara $0.01 hingga beberapa dolar, dan bahkan bisa mencapai $10 per klik-nya (jika Anda tahu trik rahasiannya).

Cara mendaftar Adsense

Jika Anda belum memiliki akun Google Adsense silahkan buat dulu, daftarkan situs terbaik Anda agar cepat diterima. Saya sarankan gunakan email Gmail untuk medaftar Adsense agar mudah diintegrasikan dengan Google account dan produk Google lainnya (All in one).

Setelah mendaftar Adsense Anda harus menunggu hingga beberapa jam atau hingga beberapa hari, nantinya Anda akan mendapatkan email pemberitahuan dari Google mengenai status pendaftaran Adsense Anda, jika Anda diterima maka Anda akan langsung bisa log in ke situs Adsense dan bisa mulai menghasilkan uang.

Sedangkan jika Anda ditolak, cobalah mendaftar lagi dengan terlebih dahulu memperbaiki kekurangan situs Anda. Ketika Anda ditolak, Google Adsense support akan memberi tahu kenapa Anda ditolak untuk mengikuti program Adsense. Perhatikan peraturan Google Adsense dan peraturan Google Webmaster Guideline.

Bagaimana cara memasang iklan Adsense? 

Pertama log in dulu ke akun Adsense Anda, lalu menuju menu iklan ("My Ads"), kemudian pilih "Ads for content" dan buat iklan sesuai keinginan Anda. Tipsnya pilihlah iklan Adsense dengan ukuran besar agar iklan mudah diklik oleh pengunjung situs. Tentaukan warna iklan Adsense agar sesuai dan matching dengan warna situs Anda.

Manfaatkan juga fitur "Channel" baik itu URL channel atau custom channel yang berfungsi untuk melacak kinerja suatu iklan. Jika iklan Adsense selesai dibuat dan di setting maka akan muncul kode HTML/Javascript iklan Adsense (atau bisa juga dengan klik “get code”). Kemudian copy kode iklan Adsense tersebut ke HTML editor pada situs Anda dan paste. Jika semuannya benar maka iklan Adsense akan segera muncul pada situs.

Peraturan Adsense: 

-  Jangan pernah mengklik iklan Adsense milik Anda sendiri

-  Jangan pernah menyuruh atau mempengaruhi orang lain untuk mengklik iklan Adsense pada situs Anda

-  Jangan memasang iklan Adsense pada situs dengan konten ilegal seperti konten dewasa (17+), konten tentang kekerasan, konten tentang hacker dan sejenisnya.

-  Jangan memasang iklan Adsense pada situs yang tidak memiliki konten (situs kosong).

Cara mencairkan penghasilan Adsense 

Caranya mudah, jika penghasilan Adsense dalam akun Anda sudah mencapai $100 atau lebih, nantinya akan ada pemberitahuan bahwa penghasilan Anda sudah bisa dicairkan (biasanya diakhir suatu bulan). Pencairan komisi Adsense bisa dicairkan menjadi rupiah di tempat-tempat berlogo Western Union (WU) seperti di berbagai Bank, pegadaian dan kantor pos.

Selain melalui Western Union, kini pembayaran penghasilan Google Adsense juga bisa langsung ditransfer ke rekening Bank Anda yang ada di Indonesia.

Itulah tutorial Adsense yang bisa saya sampaikan secara umum, jika Anda ingin mendapatkan tutorial Adsense yang lebih lengkap, lebih jelas, dan lebih detail Anda bisa mendapatkannya dalam sebuah ebook tutorial Adsense yang berjudul "Adsense Mentalis".

Tips & Rekomendasi:

Jika Anda ingin tutorial Google Adsense yang sangat lengkap, saya merekomendasikan Anda untuk mempelajari ebook Adsense Mentalis. Ebook tersebut merupakan sebuah ebook premium yang yang pernah saya beli beberapa bulan yang lalu.

Saya merekomendasikan ebook tutorial Adsense tersebut karena menurut saya isinya sangat bagus, lengkap dan berbahasa Indonesia sehingga mudah dipahami. Ebook tersebut berisikan informasi, strategi dan trik-trik terbaru dalam mendapatkan ribuan dolar dari Google Adsense dengan cara yang sederhana, mudah dan cepat.

Informasi-informasi yang ada didalamnya kebanyakan tidak akan Anda dapatkan dimanapun karena ebook Adsense Mentalis ditulis langsung oleh seorang Blogger Profesional berdasarkan pengelaman pribadinya. Dalam ebook ini juga disertai dengan contoh-contoh dan studi kasus nyata sehingga mudah dipahami.

Waktu saya membeli ebook ini beberapa bulan yang lalu harganya masih murah, tapi kurang tahu harganya saat ini. Untuk mengetahui harganya Anda bisa melihat disitusnya www.adsmentalis.com. Saran saya, jangan takut untuk mengeluarkan sedikit uang demi sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan menguntungkan, karena semakin Anda banyak menunggu Anda bisa semakin ketinggalan.

Ebook tutorial Adsense Mentalis telah membantu saya menghasilkan passive income yang cukup besar dari Google Adsense + Blogspot blog. Saat ini rata-rata penghasilan Adsense saya mencapai $2000 - $3000/bulan.

 Penghasilan Adsense dari Blogspot

Saya sangat senang sekali karena berkat penghasilan Adsense saat ini saya bisa mewujudkan beberapa impian saya, seperti membeli rumah idaman dan membeli sawah di kampung halaman. :D

Mohon maaf, bukan niat untuk sombong, gambar diatas saya tunjukan agar Anda termotivasi dan tetap semangat bahwa dari bisnis internet khususnya melalui program Google Adsense Anda bisa menghasilkan uang yang lumayan besar.  :D

Akhir kata, terima kasih telah mengunjungi blog saya, semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.

Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses!

cryptohuge is scamer

Apa itu Cryptohuge? apakah Cryptohuge membayar?

Invox Finance

What is invox finance?

It’s invoice lending platform, if you think about a small business and the invoice, their customers they might not get payment for let’s say 45–90 to even 120 days in some cases very long time from when they actually do the job and get paid for it. This means that they can maybe struggle for finance and capital during that the interim period. So, what this platform intends to do is provide these businesses with a way to get money based on the invoice amounts. competition is in singular and it is populous, there is no other ICO or blockchain company that is offering the service at the moment. The differences between populous and invox, the populous platform doesn’t allow buyers in the service. The invox platform is actually going to connect the sellers, invoices and buyers on the same platform. It’s going to be much more involving and the buyers will also be rewarded with the invox tokens as well. Another difference between the two is invoices uploaded onto the populous platform, paper-based invoices making them static whereas the invox finance platform will incorporate dynamic invoice smart contracts. Allowing the contracts with invoices to be in a completely digital format and looking forward to actually eliminating any paper-based invoices. Another difference the populous platform requires investors to bid against each other as sort of auction for financing the invoices whereas the invox platform will provide everybody with equal access so there’ll be a large pool of sellers and based on what the investors risk preferences are and then this will basically eliminate the need for investors to undercut each other in an auction environment. You won’t be scrambling or bidding against each other, you’ll have a fair and equal chance to get involved. The other differences, populous requires investors to join together in a group so essentially, they’re forming a pool if they’re unable to fund larger invoices whereas the invox platform divides the loan in a number of fragments. This allowing a smaller investor to invest as well.
The invox finance is important because for companies especially they can run out of cash flow if the invoice doesn’t pay promptly. The other side of the coin is if they demand the invoice too quick then buyers are perhaps not going to use their services or buy their products because they have to pay quickly. Normally in business the invoicing is between 30 to 90 days, in some cases little as seven days and in other cases as long as 120 days. Seller might invoice on 30-day basis but within those 30 days if the invoice isn’t paid then they’ll struggle for cash flow and they need the financing, they need the cash flow to come in so what they’ll do is perhaps go to the bank for an overdraft or they will use funds from elsewhere. The way the traditional invoice financing works is, the financier takes the invoice from the seller and usually provides up to about 80 percent of the face value of the invoice. The financier making let’s say 20 percent on average off each invoice and this allows the seller to get the cash flow quicker and the financier can just sit and wait until the buyer pays and get rewarded with 20% of the total as a result. This normally depends on a number of factors and obviously the assessed credit rating of the seller, the strength of the financial position of the buyer as well. You’re going to take into account their current position at the moment whenever the invoices have been issued. The industry sectors the buyer and seller involved in and what type of documentation is available to confirm delivery of the product. A postal receipt, signed, some proof of work that’s been signed by the buyer saying that the works been done, contracts being completed or the goods have been received.
The main problem is the financier that purchases of the invoice from the seller who doesn’t have a relationship with the buyer. He’s basically stepping in as a debt recovery agent or whatever if the buyer refuses to pay and the financer has to rely on most of the information that’s provided by the seller. The relationship between the seller and buyer may not be completely transparent. The financier is taking the risk and in effect that’s what he’s getting paid the 20% for. It’s based on a relationship of trust between the seller and the buyer and this obviously has problems as the buyer and seller may collude or conspire to defraud the financier. The seller may be issuing an invoice for example for a service that has not been fully completed or a product that’s not complied with the agreed spec or requirements of the buyer. The buyer may also dispute the payment liability as well. The buyer may become insolvent and unable to pay for the invoices. There is also issues with the complexity of the processes, legal documentation etc. the preparation and execution of legal documents is laborious and costly and may involve a number of third party providers. As you can understand this is a relationship that’s based on trust and it brings with these inherent problems. If you’ve been involved in business and you’ve done any invoice financing, a lot of these problems will be pretty common to you and you will already be aware of them but if you’ve not and that’s really what the issues are and of course we’re talking about trust here so what better solution than a trustless platform such as the blockchain to implement invoice financing. Their aims are pretty simple they’re going to disrupt and revolutionize traditional invoice financing market and this is truly a disruptive ICO. This really will change the way invoice financing is done from the traditional model that I’ve already mentioned. By putting on the blockchain, you’re getting a more trustful platform, you’re getting a decentralized a platform that’s more secure and more private. Also allow all the parties to connect. The sellers, buyers and investors and other service providers. You will also get direct access to investors so sellers can go on and access individual investors to take invoices off them. It’s like a peer-to-peer lending environment as well and there’ll be lower rates for the sellers.
Track every giant leap.
  • Q3 2017• Idea formulatedQ4 2017• Incorporated as Invox Finance Pty Ltd
  • Q1 2018• Proof of concept code and testing• Wireframe• V1 of the whitepaper• V1 of the website• Presale began• Presale sold out
  • Q2 2018• V2 of the whitepaper• V2 of the website• Complete ICO• Distribute Invox Tokens• Mockup complete for buyer, seller and investors journeysQ3 2018• First invoice issued on alpha platformQ4 2018• Initial user testing on beta platform
  • Q1 2019• Invox Finance debit cards become availableQ2 2019• Mobile application testing• Integration with Celsius• Launch into second regionQ3 2019• Mobile application releaseQ4 2019• Launch into third region

Meet the Invox Finance Team

The experts bringing you invoice lending on the blockchain.
  • Alex Mezhvinsky : Co-Founder – CEO
  • Adam Mezhvinsky : Co-Founder – COO
  • Daniel Tang : Head Analyst
  • Victoria Mezhvinsky : In House Legal Counsel
  • Boris Mezhvinsky : Angel Investor – CFO
  • Jose Luis Ramirez : Lead Software Engineer
  • Lucas Cullen : Lead Solidity Developer – Contractor
  • Henry Sit : Business Development Manager
  • Jordan Gifford-Moore : International Operations

Our Advisors : Super experienced. Always one step ahead.
  • Alex Mashinsky : Founder @ Celsius Network Strategic Advisor
  • Emi Wada : Executive Director @ CRYPTO RESEARCH Co.,Ltd Japanese Market Advisor
  • David Lu : Co-Founder @ Textbook Ventures Investment Advisor
  • JP Thor : CEO @ CanYa Crypto Advisor
  • Michael Bacina : Chair @ Canadian Australian Chamber of Commerce Legal Advisor
  • Mo Hamdouna : Founder, Creative Director @ Mo Works ICO Marketing Advisor
  • Chris McLoughlin : Co-Founder @ CanYa Community Advisor
  • Kyle Hornberg : Co-Founder & COO @ CanYa Operations Advisor
  • James Waugh : Director @ Blueblock Tokenomics Advisor
  • Mauro Presicce : Project Manager @ Alpengate Partnerships Advisor
  • Conston Taylor : ICO Financial Advisor @ Blockvest LLC ICO Advisor

For more Information please visit links below:

author by : jhonwick007
my eth :  0x2032f0E6Ae5538014a02a333a456617ABABe5F77

SANCOJ-the latest project in the world of blockchain

Hasil gambar untuk sancoj bounty

After Bitcoin, there are some new projects based on Blockchain throughout the world. One of the latest projects we can have among these projects is the Sancons project. http://sancoj.com/ The purpose of the project is to make a supermarket use its own encrypted currency. A really interesting project will wait for us. One of the main reasons why San Francisco so much likes that it is expected to begin actively in the publication life with the completion of the icon on May 30, 2018 is related to applications based on Blockchain.

In fact, one of the financial instruments that have won more investors in recent periods, is the monetary system. In this way, companies can find new stages of production by developing new projects and can bring new opportunities. When we really look at it, we find pretty good things. We find excellent products and excellent toys. In fact, this supermarket is a bit different from the other supermarkets.

When we say supermarket, we have a place where we can buy in general. Because the project is still in the tiny stage, we believe it is useful to read the details of the project in an empty page. In addition, the website of this project, which has a 0% relocation on purchases, will be very nice.

Sancans mean "chances" in English. In other words, they are faced with the first application of currencies, where type of opportunity is listed. The San Diego project aims to offer various opportunities for everyone. Let's examine the San Diego project that will look like a kind of change, especially.


LACK OF OPPORTUNITY :  Many people do not have opportunies to do the things that will make them succeed in life. In most countries, people tend to struggle, if they are not born with silver spoons. Example; There is a market in Lagos called Alaba Internaonal Market. It is the biggest electronics market in West Africa. Once you visit the market, you will be greeted by many, even before you get to the shopsasking you what you need. Do you know that 80% of those people in Alaba, do not have a single product or shop of their own? They market for product and shop owners for ny amount which may not even cover their fare, back home. It will take them so many years to save up those ny fees as capital to start their own businesses because they will need shops, products, power supply, etc . This problem is present in many countries. What if these people have the opportunity to use their ny money to get products and sell them, without worrying about shop, power, etc? They can sell without paying commission to the plaorm. They will also be exempted from bank (payment transfer) charges through PEER TO PEER transfer.

LACK OF FUND : Some people that know what to do, do not have fund to execute those BIG PICTURE ideas. When they go to banks for a loan, they will be told; “go and bring document of a house at Banana Island, as collateral”. Seriously? Someone looking for business capital has a house in Banana Island? What an irony of life? The Sancoj plaorm offers opportunies to get fund from other users without collateral, at compeve rates 

What are the Benefits of the Sans Project?

  • The San Diego project is one of the first supermarkets that use crunches monetary infrastructure.
  • The main purpose of the San Diego project is to create a supermarket, which offers a variety of opportunities for users.
  • The San Diego project is a currency project that has attracted attention with low commission rates.
  • The San Francisco project will allow you to carry out your cash transactions quickly.
  • With the San Francisco project, you can transfer your money faster or faster abroad.
  • The deficiencies of the Sancans project are faced with SANC.
  • The San Diego project presents several bonuses for users during various stages of a bit. 1 SANC = 0.0016 $

Who is involved in the Project Sans Project Project?

We have made this title as a tradition as in our previous promotions. In the team of San Diego projects, we can say that there are people who are really marked in the cripta monetary market. Of course we will list the names of these people, but to prove the reliability of the projects that we are repeating at each location, it is absolutely necessary to observe the team. Because some sites fill out the team with false information. But the Sans project is a very reliable and reliable project. The team project is very specialized. Let's see who is in the San Diego team if he wants to come.

Members: Ngozi Emeh-Festur, Mu'Awiyah Namadi, Olagunju Adewale, Vibhav Yadav, Oladimeji Akande, Bakare Temitayo, Debo George O., Abioye Kazeem B.
The hardness of the Sans project is set at $ 60 million

Sale of chips

Name of the token: SANCOJ
Abbreviation: SANC
Previously from April 16 to April 23, 2018
Distributed token: 5 billion
Price: $ 0.0005
Accepted currencies: BTC & ETH
Bonus: 68.75% discount
ICO May 1 - May 30, 2018

Other important information about the Sans Project

In the previous explanations, we have tried to make brief and concise information and estimates of the San Diego project. In fact, we presented briefly the Sancons project, but we did not evaluate it. You will also read from the White page of the project Sanctions, and you will see clearly that the project is designed on a solid foundation. It is important to note that the San Diego project is advantageous in comparison with other projects, especially when the growing sector sector makes a competing mandatory, especially if the team consists of good people and there is a currency that can open new opportunities for the inventory. market investors. But nothing is clear in the bag, so not just write so much about currencies that are still in the tiny stage.

So I would like to mention that you can get detailed information about internet sites, giving you summary information. Likewise, when you follow the social networks, it is really possible to learn and act much more about the project of the project. The San Diego project appears as one of the most ambitious and innovative projects. ICO is one of the projects that have managed to obtain votes in large volumes at the evaluation sites and is affirmative. We really needed a project like this.

Because people are now aware of the fact that the cripta sector has spread, and they are asking about this in the discovery of new websites on the Internet, where they can learn about various opportunities. It was very logical to establish a place of opportunity. We must really realize that there is a very interesting progeny when we think that the crib money will replace the normal money in the future, but that it is such a logical project. I think it would be useful to mention that the project Sanctions is a project that is successful in the worldwide sense. We're absolutely proud to follow the San Diego social media as an extremely beautiful and fast project.

 Meet Our Amazing Team
  • MU'AWIYAH NAMADIFull Stack Developer
  • VIBHAV YADAVDeveloper
  • SHIVAM PANCHALArtificial Intelligence Developer
  • DEBO GEORGE O.PR / Digital Strategist
  • ABIOYE KAZEEM B.PR / Digital Strategist



Advisor on Technology

Portfolio Manager at IBM India. Expert in Blockchain and Telecom.He has expert knowledge of Building Teams, Developing and Managing World Class Tech products from Africa which he has demonstrated with complex projects handled for UNICEF, AIRTEL, MTN, WIPRO, etc.


Advisor on Investor's Perspective 

Experienced blockchain investor and cryptocurrency enthusiast.Passionate about decentralization and bringing more oppportunities to the masses. Has a big network in the cryptocurrency space and is a member of a private investors group and several investor pools.Eager to bring back the power to the people

For more information : 

author : jhonwick007
my eth :  0x2032f0E6Ae5538014a02a333a456617ABABe5F77

local coin swap ( LCS ) exchange

There is no doubt that when you have cryptocurrency, you may want to trade your cryptocurrency to turn your resource into some profits. The exchanges will somehow come to your mind when millions and millions of people get rich in front of your eyes.
Which exchanges would you like to recommend to your friends? Binance, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Yobit, Huobi, etc.? These famous exchanges are definitely our first options because they have user friendly interface and low negotiation rate. But sometimes you are still having trouble using these conventional exchanges: uncomfortable checking, expensive withdrawal fees and withdrawal function was sometimes suspended due to high traffic, piracy, the exchange rate is a problem when you are a multi crypto day trader, server down whenever you are not expected, also delay in some markets, restriction of the country and just getting profits if the price of the cryptographs increase.
Cryptocurrency itself is only at a very early stage of performance, and cryptographic exchanges are also having their own limitations.
We have seen many decentralized encryption exchanges that are in progress. Somehow, these platforms are building a revolutionary road in the block industry as its convenience to anonymous business resource. But decentralized exchanges of encryption would never be our reliable option when thinking of commercial cryptography. As decentralized exchanges of cryptography have so many problems that we can not be warned about the risk of bringing ourselves at times and they have so many limitations that we have always struggled like Etherdelta (now Folkdelta), Idex. And you may have to wait forever to find a good business deal on these platforms for now.
So at the end of the day, is there any exchange out there that can provide us with a security environment without restriction and limitation, free fees, and even give us interests by simply keeping our encryption as a bank?
The answer is No, we did not have a perfect exchange as we expected. But it’s cryptocurrency, it’s money, it’s funding; It’s a chain of blocks, it’s technology. Talking about technology, it’s growing fast, remember we’re having a flying Tesla car flying around the Earth at the moment. Technology provides what is lacking in human evolution.
And if I tell you that there are people who are building an encryption exchange that we all expect, we’re not talking about it anymore, we’re doing it.
It’s simply another exchange, but it’s the only exchange that distributes 100% of profits back to its users. The next big thing is to revolutionize the chain of blocks.
What should this platform be about? You and I, merchants can buy any cryptocurrency directly, simply sign up for LocalCoinSwap, instantly and without unnecessary verification requirements. Search for a wide variety of best-in-class encryption ads, service payment methods and go on-the-go, LocalCoinSwap holds encryption in the escrow while direct payment is made to merchants, once payment arrives, encryption is released to the buyer and trade is complete.
Does it seem like other Localbitcoins are coming in? No, it’s something bigger and much more remarkable than that. Because ? Because this platform based in Hong Kong brings profits just by holding its cryptocurrency:
Beginning to invest, buy LocalCoinSwap Cryptoshares (LCS) through the Initial Currency Offer, the LocalCoinSwap Exchange makes profits from deposit rates in all currencies traded on the platform, at the end of the quarter, 100% of the profit is distributed to the holders of the Cryptoshare if an investor holds 1% of LCS — they receive 1% of profit. When new ICOs are listed on the platform, all LocalCoinSwap Cryptoshare holders receive a small amount of this token in exchange for each Cryptoshare they own. Get a steady stream of income in multiple currencies, just from owning a single asset.
What would make this platform the most comprehensive exchange in the world?
There is no discrimination, instant inscription and no verification required. The business interface is safe, easy and fun. When existing P2P markets support only a tiny number of encryption and payment methods: LocalCoinSwap has a fully distributed peer-to-peer trading system. There are no centralized bank accounts, no verification requirement, and no trade restriction. It distributes 100% of website profits to Cryptoshares holders on a 1 to 1 basis through a decentralized block-based dividend application.
While dominant exchanges suffer from centralized banking and trading restrictions. LocalCoinSwap will open with a minimum of 10 most traded cryptocurrencies, continually expanding to integrate more. Funds raised on crowdsale are being used to increase the selection of currencies supported at launch.
While there are peer-to-peer markets, the fundamental flaw in all of them is that they aim to become giant monopolies and make their creators rich. At LocalCoinSwap, we do not believe that monopolies have any place in a just and fair digital economy. The LocalCoinSwap platform is designed to enrich the entire community rather than a small number of individuals.
LocalCoinSwap is the only market that distributes 100% of its profits back to its community and allows the community to vote democratically in its operation. It is a community-owned and community market.
LocalCoinSwap is also the most transparent exchange financially on the market, with regular public announcements detailing exact revenues and expenses, all wages and all forms of income. All contract code used by LocalCoinSwap is open source and is publicly viewed on our GitHub.
LocalCoinSwap supports the widest range of encryption and payment methods for any peer-to-peer exchange in existence. It is typical for other exchanges to support only a single currency or a small basket of the most popular coins. LocalCoinSwap will cover the most extensive offer of encryption and payment methods possible with an after-launch development team whose sole purpose is the implementation of new currencies.
LocalCoinSwap offers special support for ICO and new token projects, allowing them to launch on the platform or offer the pre-ICO and pre-sale special user base to increase funding.
How can LocalCoinSwap interpose the blockchain industry?
LocalCoinSwap will offer a wider selection of cryptocurrencies than any existing peer-to-peer exchange. Offer all payment methods conceivable for purchase or sale, including custom options added by the community.
LocalCoinSwap incorporates social networking interactivity on the trading platform, with custom user profiles, friends lists, achievement badges and special rewards. The Cryptoshare holders run the exchange in a participation proof voting system. Vote for digital asset additions, site updates, new business, and more.
Multiple signature transaction options available for supported currencies. 95% of site funds kept in cold storage offline portfolios. The custody system and the global scenario support team create unreliable negotiations between users. Interactive feedback and the trust system promote uncomplicated trading.
What are the benefits of Cryptoshare?
LocalCoinSwap decentralizes the most important part of the exchange: profits. Holders of Cryptoshare receive guaranteed rights for 100% of trading profits in the LocalCoinSwap exchange.
Holders of Cryptoshare receive profits on all cryptograms traded on the stock exchange, a stream of income denominated across a portfolio of digital assets.
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An open source democracy contract hosted in the blockchain publicly counts votes on questions submitted by users to decide how the exchange works
LocalCoinSwap provides a listing service for new ICO tokens to enable them to be launched on the LocalCoinSwap platform or to raise pre-ICO and pre-fund. When new tokens are listed, Cryptoshare holders receive an advance as well as access to special offers on new ads.
What payment methods will be supported by LocalCoinSwap?
This is a part that has left me optimistic in this project, as it’s too good to be true: LocalCoinSwap will support all payment methods that can be safely supervised using your deposit process. This includes bank transfer, money exchange, cash deposit, international wire, PayPal, money in the mail and even exchanges of assets such as gold. New payment methods are added to LocalCoinSwap at the request of our community.
What about customer safety?
At a client level, LocalCoinSwap implements various forms of two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect client accounts from being stolen by third parties. Customers can choose to activate more than one form of 2FA simultaneously. Types of 2FAs offered by LocalCoinSwap include email, mobile, Google Authenticator, and PGP.
At a site level, LocalCoinSwap maintains 95% of funds in offline off-cold storage. All cold-case exit transactions are authorized manually by our 24/7 support team after verifying the integrity of the transaction. In addition, the on-site cold store storage protocol uses a smart contract to place limits on the size of the transaction support team can get involved without additional verification of LocalCoinSwap company directors.
Are the laws and regulations concerned?
The LocalCoinSwap team includes 3 legal advisors in the company of its incorporation to ensure that it remains compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

Meet Our Unique Team

  • Nathan Worsley   
    Chief Technical Officer - Bachelor of Economics (Major in Econometrics)Early investor in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Developer of a series of successful trading algorithms based on Triangular Arbitrage between cryptocurrencies. Original founder of company as a cryptocurrency investment fund based in Hong Kong: Digital Assets Management Ltd. Experienced high volume P2P trader on LocalBitcoins.com. Development experience includes C/C++, Python, R, Matlab, PostgreSQL, Git, Bash & Linux.
  • Thomas Underwood   
    Chief Financial Officer - Bachelor of Commerce (Major in Accounting and Finance)Experienced financial analyst and business development manager, with roles at major Australian and international private companies. Professional skills are well rounded, within all accounting and financial roles, with proven abilities to create solutions for start-ups and cryptocurrency-related companies. Professional development includes passing CFA level 1. Australian Regional Manager for TradingView.com
  • Daniel Worsley   
    Chief of Operations - Bachelor of Economics (Major in Quantitative Methods)Experienced in business strategy, operations and quantitative analysis. Successful stock and commodities trader in several financial markets over the last 8 years. Advisor to a Hong Kong based investment firm. Passionate about decentralization and blockchain technologies.
  • Aapeli Vuorinen   
    Lead Security Engineer - Bachelor of Mathematics (Major in Pure Maths)Data analyst, white-hat hacker and full-stack developer. Over 10 years of experience in software development and systems administration. Experienced with a wide variety of technologies including Python, Java, C++, Javascript, Pandas, HTML5/CSS/Javascript, Go, Matlab, Git, Linux, and SQL. Exceptionally talented at understanding and utilizing network and software protocols.
  • Taylor Scheel   
    Blockchain Developer - Bachelor of ScienceOriginally a clinical molecular genetic scientist working in a laboratory before a passion for the Blockchain and disruptive technologies led to him becoming a digital nomad and full-time solidity developer. Experienced in Solidity, Javascript, Matlab, Git & Linux.
  • Kevin Sparks   
    Lead Developer - Developer degree in Computer ScienceExperienced full-stack Python and JavaScript engineer with a bias for action and proven experience in delivering reliable software. Over 13 years of experience across a wide variety of web-development and software projects. Passionate about learning and is particularly fascinated with collecting and analyzing data. Values people, relationships, communication, and Vim.
  • ValĂ©ri Natanelov   
    Chief Marketing Officer - PhD, Commodity Futures MarketsEntrepreneur, the founder and CEO of growAbric (knowledge brokering and design thinking company). Lifelong blockchain enthusiast. Extensive international business experience with a strong passion for design thinking and analytical problem-solving. Has lived on every (habitable) continent. Fluent in four languages.
  • Yonatan Cohen
    UX/UI Designer - MUZE AgencyUX Design Expert, consultant, and Partner at Muze Design Agency. Has many years of experience in User Experience (UX) Planning, User Interface (UI) Design, Branding, Digital Strategy, Web Design & Development.
  • Maya Middlemiss  
    PR Representative and Content WriterExperienced freelance writer and journalist, with a background in consumer research, social media user testing and business consultancy. Obsessed with the social impact of blockchain, and the way it’s going to change the world - if we do it the right way
  • George Kimionis  
    Technical AdvisorChief Executive Officer and founder of Coinomi Wallet, the largest and most proven phone wallet with support for more than 150 digital assets and zero users funds lost. Technical expertise includes the production and deployment of highly scalable software, implementation of new cryptographic assets, and intrusion resistance.
  • Mr. David S. LEE  
    Legal Advisor Senior Lecturer Accounting and Law Hong Kong UniversityDavid worked in investment management in Hong Kong and London before joining the University of Hong Kong. He started his career at Goldman Sachs and also has experience in law and in management consulting. David remains engaged in professional practice by working with companies and entrepreneurs, particularly in finance and technology. 
    David earned his J.D. from UCLA School of Law, his M.Sc. (with Merit) in Organisational and Social Psychology from the London School of Economics and Political Science, his M.A. in East Asian Studies from Harvard University, and his B.A., cum laude, in International Politics and Asian Studies from Brigham Young University. David is a lawyer and a CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) charterholder.
  • Dr. Artem Sergeev  
    Legal AdvisorArtem is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Hong Kong. In addition to his legal work as an academic, Artem contributed to the United Nation’s mission in Cambodia, Oxford University Press, theDesk and a number of other enterprises. He has published a range of articles on various aspects of international law, received several notable academic awards, and actively contributed to the legal community around the world.”
  • Frank Zhu
    Legal AdvisorFrank has extensive technology innovation experience in the finance industry. He is currently a technology analyst in a major investment bank based in HK. He also has two years of experience in front and backend development.
  • Mario Innecco   
    Financial AdvisorExperienced financial professional and former FCA Registered Representative (1993-2012) with a wide skillset and proven track record. Professional background includes work as a Private Banker and Government Bond and Exchange Traded Derivatives Broker. Mario currently works as a Market and Economics Analyst and provides regular commentary on his Youtube channel.
  • Vladimir Ninov  
    Marketing Advisor - MBAVladimir is a serial online entrepreneur with a vast experience in digital marketing, advertising, crowdfunding and growth hacking. With over 7 years of experience helping crowdfunding projects to raise over $100 million on various platforms, Vladimir has also been helping entrepreneurs to successfully build personal branding, write for global news outlets like Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, FastCompany and to most of the big ICOs to successfully reach their soft and hard cap funding goals. Vladimir is an ICO advisor for several global projects & also a Co-founder of the Webcoin project which aims to change the way how the world does marketing.
  • Shaf Zaman   
    Marketing & Fundraising AdvisorManager of a private investment community which focuses on ICO fundraising. Extensive marketing and management experience. Has been involved with Blockchain technology for several years. Early investor in multiple successful ICO's. Expertise as a community manager and networker for specialist investors.
  • Andrew Bondarevich  
    Marketing AdvisorDynamic and result oriented executive who drives ideas towards implementation with the simple logic of ROI. 18+ years in sales & marketing working across industries and functions. Deep understanding of the nuances of business strategy which have contributed to a successful track record of attaining corporate objectives.

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author : jhonwick007
my eth :  0x2032f0E6Ae5538014a02a333a456617ABABe5F77