EXTRA CREDIT Study about Blockchain with Extra Credit

Extra Credit

Study about Blockchain with Extra Credit

Do you know what Cryptocurrency is? How does the Blockchain technology work? What is Bitcoin and How to trade in it? We thought we could know all of these. Everything would have been so simple. This happens with every new technology, where a very little information is available about it in the market until it becomes the industry standard. Same happened with the world of the Internet, where nobody knew anything and slowly it became a mass tool of information.
There are many courses available for the different subjects, where we can learn about it. But, is there something similar available for the Digital currency of today? Don't you think, how wonderful and helpful it would be for people, who are unaware of the world of cryptocurrency? There are a large group of people, who remain out of crypto wave due to lack of a proper and reliable information network, which could help them know about it.
Solution Offered
Extra Credit found this problem worth solving and created a course like material and website for everyone. Those who are unaware of the cryptocurrency would be the biggest beneficiary. But, there is nothing wrong in brushing up your knowledge with a credible course material. They wish to introduce these course in the school and colleges in the coming times.

It will be first of its kind of an educational company teaching about cryptocurrency, offering a mobile platform. The team is conducting a pre-sale, which is currently live. You can join and get a 20% bonus. 50% of total XTRA tokens will be available for the Public sale. The funds will be utilised for the development of the platform. The team looks motivated to complete the task at hand. I think it will be an innovative tool for every one of us who are still learning about the Digital currency.
To know more visit:
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/extracredit.io/?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter : https://twitter.com/BitcoinHomework
Post By : jhonwick007

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