that to your food cibus

What if I told you they did that  to your food?

Let’s start by painting a picture in your mind … It’s the weekend, you’ve been shopping and you’ve picked up the weekly favourites like eggs and steak, you then return home satisfied with your weekly shop.
The following morning, you have your eggs for breakfast and you do your steak for dinner, you go about that day without a thought about the food and what happened before it conveniently ended up in the supermarket.
This is where the problem is! We rely on everyone adhering to the standards set out by the authorities and we have no clue about the arrival of our food.


Cibus is transparent, they’re decentralised and blockchain based. What this means is that consumers are able to verify the contents of their food that they purchase. They achieve this by creating a system that trades food directly between the producers and the consumers.
Cibus will provide a mobile application for it’s consumers, you’ll be able to use this to verify the fundamentals of your food, the quality, the authenticity, the dietary supplements of all that you consume.
The benefits of this is huge! What it does is create transparency and builds trusting relationships, it changes the way we think about food safety and minimises our reliance on regulatory bodies to ensure that our food meets relevant quality assurances.
The trades themselves will be open and fair, there will be no middleman unnecessarily acting in between, it will be a free trade eco-system that you will open up directly with producers and manufacturers.
Currently the scale of food crime is increasing around the world at a scary pace! We as a consumer have no visibility on food quality and safety and we naively tale our food bought from the supermarket ans assume its met all food quality and safety … The reality is, the market is cutting corners and cheating where it can and the longer we stay without transparency, the further this will be pushed. Cibus puts the power back in the hands of the consumer.

Cibus Eco-System

To create a direct trade, with open transparency and the ability to verify your contents, you need an eco-system, and Cibus are doing just that.
They have created a system with 8 core fundamental functionalities;
Phase 1 of the Cibus Modules
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Your food and supplements will have transparency as you are able to trace information on the blockchain.
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Execution from smart contracts on the blockchain will see food focused platform for B2B trading.
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Cibus SOCIALFocusing on food and supplements, a social platform with incentives will be created.
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The blockchain will house a B2C e-commerce platform, to facilitate the transactions between buyers and sellers.
Phase 2 of the Cibus Modules
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A chance to earn rewards based upon the Cibus promoting Referral program.
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Cibus AD
Targeting specific food audiences, a smart contract AD network will be setup.
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A smart contract financial escrow will be put in place to oversee the trades between buyers and sellers.
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Cibus LOGISTICA Multi-Modal logistics program which is decentralised and smart contract enabled.

Cibus Token

The Cibus Token will be used to perform transactions on the Cibus Platform. It makes the transaction possible and covers the payment fee. It will also be used on Cibus Social as incentives on the social networking platform.

How can you get the Cibus Token?

You can buy the Cibus Token which has a ticker of TGE direct from their website by clicking on the following link;
It’s currently in a Pre-Sale bonus which means you get an extra 50% with your purchase.
TGE is a standard ERC-20 wallet so is good to bought from wallets like myetherwallet and not bought directly from exchanges.
The token exchange rate is currently 1 ether for 1000 CIBUS TGE Tokens.
Their is a hardcap of 40 Million CIBUS Tokens.

How are the tokens and funds split?

Image taken from


Benefits to Sellers
  • Sellers will receive feedback fast with plenty of information about their rating.
  • All the sellers promotion and advertising will go directly to the customer.
  • Sellers will have complete control over images, logos and branding in general.
  • The cost for a seller to reach a customer will be reduced.
  • A system that will interpret and make useful information from scalable data.
Benefits to Buyers
  • When buying Food and Supplements, the buyer will now have transparency about that purchase.
  • Using the trusted Blockchain, the buyer will have trust in the Food Ecosystem.
  • Cheaper prices will not mean lesser quality as high standards will be maintained.
  • Buyers will be able to communicate with Sellers directly.
  • Incentive based Social rewards.
Image taken from

How does it all pieces together?

There is a lot of information above to take in and digest and sometimes reading it all in black and white can be hard to visualise. Below we have an image which paints the picture and shows the flow of the Cibus E-Commerce Ecosystem as it goes from Buyer, through the Cibus Modules to the Seller.
Image taken from

Problems that Cibus Solves

Diminishing Trust
How often now do we see on the news or read in the paper that a major supermarket is issuing a recall of a particular product? This is the result of food poisoning, chemical contamination, pesticides and pathogenic microbial.
Knowledge and Traceability
When you go to the supermarket, you pickup your food, you have no idea what happened in its life cycle, how it arrived in it’s packaging on the supermarket shelf, you read the label and trust what you see.
What you can’t see is the flow through the system which leaves chance for false advertising, wrong labels and counterfeit items.
Data Manipulation
We have a an array of origins so the product is ever changing, the lack of quality product data leaves a huge opportunity for falsifying of records and product adulteration.
Ever Increasing Prices
It seems every time I do my weekly shop, the prices are going up. It’s hardly any wonder when you’re paying intermediaries to facilitate this for you, the middle men are taking higher cuts which in turn is forcing the costs up.
Due to the middlemen you have no engagement between producers and the consumers, this deprives the chance of building relationships built upon your trust.
Lack of Voice
With no clear way of feeding back currently poor purchases are made repeatedly. With Cibus you will have the Voice of Consumers (VOC).
Broken Chain
It’s currently impossible with the supply chain to trace data sharing between participants. The Ecosystem implemented by Cibus will solve that.
Lack of Quality
With a varying degree of regulatory watch carried out and quality systems not up to standard, the buyers are left with increased waste and inconsistent product ranges.

So about those Tokens again?

You’ll know by now that Cibus is a very exciting project, it really is looking to revolutionise the Food industry and bring it forward to the modern era. To be a part of this, you’ll want to buy into their tokens.
Image taken from
The Cibus Token will be used to perform transactions on the Cibus Platform. It makes the transaction possible and covers the payment fee. It will also be used on Cibus Social as incentives on the social networking platform.

Token Sale

Depending on when you’re looking to invest, you can receive a significant number of extra tokens. In short, the earlier you adopt, the more tokens you will receive. Check out the timings and numbers below;
+50% Free Token Bonus
Till 28 Feb, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
+30% Free Token Bonus
28 Feb, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 7 Mar, 2018 10:59 AM (GMT)
+20% Free Token Bonus
7 Mar, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 14 Mar, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
+16% Free Token Bonus
14 Mar, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 21 Mar, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
  • 12% Free Token Bonus
    21 Mar, 2018, 11:00 AM (GMT) till 28 Mar, 2018, 10:59 AM (GMT)
You can buy the Cibus Token which has a ticker of TGE direct from their website by clicking on the following link;


One of the key parts when deciding to invest into a project, is what they have planned in their Roadmap … and Cibus have a blockbuster scheduled. By the end of the year, Cibus have planned to have 4 of their Core fundamentals in operation with the other 4 being completed in 2019. The final release of the whole ecosystem is planned for Q1 in 2020. Exciting times for all of those involved with Cibus.
Image taken from

The Cibus Team Overview

The Cibus team is made up of a number of experts within their industry and more importantly in the right areas for Cibus to succeed. They cover the complete spectrum, going from Food Safety to Supply Chain, IT to Business Development, the team is nicely rounded and geared up to change the way the Food Ecosystem reaches the market.

CIBUS Advisory Board



Food Safety Experts
IT Experts
Community Manager
Supply Chain Expert
IT Outsourcing Manager
Test Manager
Food Quality Officer
Business Development Manager

So now I know about the project, do people really want this?

To answer this, I go back to the opening of this article, that picture we painted where you visited your favourite supermarket, you also purchased something else in that shopping trip … Spinach. The spinach you pick up, it looks fresh, it looks clean, its a bright green, but have you ever stopped to consider how it was prepared? How it was treated in all it’s climates as it made it’s way from one stop to another, before eventually ending up on that supermarket shelf?
The reality is, you simply do not know, and that’s kind of scary.
As the world becomes more focused on health, there’s been more and more of a demand for foods that have an organic label on them … and guess what? People pay a premium for this and they don’t mind. For food which is free of chemicals and pesticides, a growing number of buyers are happy to fork out the extra to pay for quality.
This isn’t just my opinion, this is the facts from research which you can read in full by clicking here but here is a key snippet below.
The 2017 Organic Market Report launched today, 21 February and reveals the UK organic market is now in its fifth year of strong growth and worth £2.09 billion. Total sales of organic increased by 7.1% in 2016 while non-organic sales continued to decline. Organic represents around 1.5% of the total UK food and drink market.
Some other key data from the article above, shows how the feeling towards what we eat is now being laid out in front of us and our we’re spending to achieve our desires.
Supermarket sales of organic have grown by 6.1%2
Independent retailers increased sales of organic by 6.3%
Sales of organic products through home delivery have grown by 10.5%
Sales of organic into the foodservice market have grown by 19.1%
The organic beauty and wellbeing sector grew by 13% to be worth £61.2 million
Soil Association textile licensees increased organic sales by 30% to £28 million
With the desire to be on trend towards eating good and knowing your food, the whole Cibus Food Ecosystem is the next progression. Research has proven the shift in eating mentality and Cibus will be a front runner leading us all into a new revolution as to how we ensure we know the truth about what we’re eating. It’s not simply whether it’s organic, it’s the 8 core fundamentals that will truly empower us and give the buyers true selection of choice and the traceability to back up the producers and sellers.
If you want to be a part of this unique opportunity, be sure to buy your Cibus Tokens from their website by clicking on the following link;


To check out further information about the CIBUS Food Ecosystem and their Token Sale, please visit the following links;
Token Sale WebSite

Social Connect

You can find Cibus FOOD Ecosystem on the below platforms;
Btt Profile link :


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