Network Taklimakan Blockchain

Entering the investment industry as a newcomer or a novice can be a daunting task for anyone. Creating unique strategies, efficient fund management techniques and other skills take years to learn and learn to master. In lieu of experienced investors, their network and skills may seem like an impossible task. Changing the perspective of all these people Taklimakan introduces a revolutionary instrument that can turn all these aspects into reality.

The main financial technology: With the advanced technology coming daily in the market, there is no doubt that the financial sector also has some major changes in it. Taklimakan is a platform that brings together laymen who want to enter crypto investment and experts in this sector. The user-friendly platform with idealistic functionality at Taklimakan gives you many tools and services that will help you invest better in the crypto market. In this product design experts and beginners can get extreme benefits with the easiest method.

Cryptocurrency Market: With the advent of blockchain technology, bringing change and most likely in recent years. With new investment tools, a whole new sector for financial markets has emerged called the cryptocurrency market. The overall capitalization has reached US $ 240 billion. The market is showing a big rise in the near future which is as high as 500% per year. Even in recent months, the market is showing a huge growth sign. January 2017 has a turnover of US $ 346 million which rose to US $ 9 billion.

Network Features Taklimakan
Here are some of the opportunities and features that come with Taklimakan:
1. Tools for Trade: The Taklim Network broadcasts signals, searches for strategies, and follows recommendations from a variety of professional trends. This signal is explicitly intended for users on the platform. Users can have all the privileges to make their personal decisions and pick them up as well.
2. Invest in Pools: Fund managers can easily travel to an investment pool and then succeed in attracting investors. The rewards, however, will be based on capital in the pool.
3. Analytics: It brings analysis to the entire world of crypto around the world. Users can choose their investment options based on their needs.
4. Educational related materials: Taklimakan Network has a ton of educational material that is truly accessible to users. This includes articles, open source books, and many other materials for knowledge trading.
5. Prediction in the crowd: Taklimakan Network has a prediction model that will help improve the knowledge of the world of trade and help improve it.
6. Private Messages: This allows everyone to communicate securely without any problems with personal messaging features.

7. Email Marketing Process: The investment manager will have an Taklimakan Network to maintain the email marketing system.

Market Challenges: The main problem of the investment market is the lack of proper analysis that determines the risks and returns on investment. Investors may be disturbed by distorted information and may not be able to distinguish between the best projects in the market. The same problem even affects people looking for investments that may lose potential investors even if they deserve it. There is no methodical way of evaluating projects and investors have to go through many sources to collect their data. Research may also not always be valid or true.

Token token and Sales information


The team behind Taklimakan : Working towards the success of financial technology, Taklimakan, there is a team of professional traders, investors, analysts, marketers and professional developers who have worked in the same field for many years and have outstanding expertise. Founder Taklimakan, Yong Ming Hong leads the team and is also a managing partner with Rashid Yussup. Rashid Yussup has worked in the industry for 9 years and excels in asset management.

Taklimakan road map : In August - September 2017 concludes with idea idea and concept concept Taklimakan project. In October and November 2017 Taklimakan launches his landing page and closes the token sale to start with the marketing process. December 2017 to January 2018 will see token sales for the public. In June - July Taklimakan will finally see the launch of its beta version after the alpha launch. One can even expect Taklimakan mobile app version in August - September 2018.

An international team of professional investors, traders, analysts, marketers and blockchain developers.

Yong Ming Hong : Managing Partner | Co-founder
Blockchain evangelist and professional expert in conducting detailed financial and economic analysis and evaluation of investment projects. Has significant experience in conducting pre-investment analysis on technological startups. Monitored and conducted an in-depth analysis of Asian markets. Participated in the development of fintech projects in Asian markets. Entrepreneurial experience specializing in online business in the Chinese market since 2004.

Rashid Yussup : Managing Partner | Co-founder
An experienced investor with more than 9 years of experience in financial markets. Founder of the investment focused on asset management. A high professional in developing trading strategies and building investment portfolios. The ideological inspirer and innovator of IT projects, with experience more than 5 years. He invests in the cryptocurrency market since 2014. More than 8 years of entrepreneurial experience in the offline business in UAE and Kazakhstan. Professional hobby – film directing.

Rustam Kairy : Managing Partner | Co-founder
An entrepreneur, private investor, social and political activist. Over the course of his career he managed complex projects and was actively engaged in business development. More than 8 years invests in securities and currencies. 7 years of experience in creating and promoting online businesses in the markets of Kazakhstan. He started to study and invest in the cryptocurrency market in 2015.

Gregory Zaitsev : Project Manager
Blockchain Project Manager and Architect at UseTech Responsible for Project, requirements and architecture management of blockchain solutions. Gregory has overall experience in software development over 17 years, which includes 4 years in information security, 10 years in PM/team lead role in US R&D centers of Lenovo and ARCA, as well as application development for Linux, Windows, and Android. Representative of UseTech.

Constantine Pozdnikin : Front-end / Full-stack Developer
With 10 years of IT experience, Constantine specializes in frond end development. He has deep experience in technologies like Angular, React, jQuery, JavaScript, Node.JS, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, Mongo, CSS, HTML5, and others. Representative of UseTech.

Sinichkin Alexander : Back-end / Full-stack Developer
With 7+ years of IT experience, Alexander is specialized in developing in back-end development in Python. He has deep experience in technologies like Python, Django, AioHTTP, Tornado, Postgres, Mongo, Celery, Redis, and others. Representative of UseTech.

Venera Osman : Marketing Manager
Supervised and managed projects in different market segments with various degree of complexity. Her extensive experience includes: conducting research on markets and industries, analyzing competitors, developing marketing strategies, evaluating and optimizing marketing systems, developing scenarios for business negotiations.

Viktoria Kovalenko : Community Relations Manager
Excellent skills in planning, organizing and maintaining workflow for senior management. She is also responsible for the preparation and visualization of different work materials, organization and support of negotiation processes and meetings.

Aisylu Khayrullina : Business Communication Manager
Responsible for Product requirements – design, description and management of business processes. Having an Associate degree from Yeongjin College (Seoul, Korea) and a BSc in Data Analysis from Innopolis University (Kazan, Russia) Aisylu is a key team member in charge of research of user’s/customer’s needs, identification of important software functionality and detailed structuring of that functionality, all elements of the successful product design. Representative of UseTech.

Andrey Zaitsev : Smart Contract Developer | Architect
Blockchain entrepreneur and enterprise architect. Has over 11 years of experience in commercial software development, including distributed information processing systems. He worked four years on managerial positions. Faculty of Cybernecs of MTU. Representative of UseTech.

Berik Yernazarov : Financial Analyst
Great experience in managing and analyzing portfolios of bonds, equities and derivatives. Successfully graduated from the top ranked British university Cass Business School and was recognized as the best student of the university in 2015. He worked for Russell Investments, as an analyst for the government and corporate bonds market and also replaced the portfolio manager when required. Has an experience of managing a portfolio of 2 billion USD. Moreover, he also achieved good results in trading with cryptocurrencies and in the construction of an optimal portfolio with the best risk/return characteristics.

Maralbek Zeinullin : Business Communication Manager
Responsible for business negotiations. Also engaged in administration of the community of the project and the news portal as a part of consulting the English-speaking audience. With a Bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona (USA) and work experience at Nazarbayev University, Maralbek is a key member of the international cooperation team.

Ramin Abdusalam : IT Specialist
Web-developer, an expert in the information technology, programmer, administrator of networks and databases, moderator. Has a rich experience in the field of information security.

Ramil Japar : Platform Tester
Developer of software and applications. Testing Wizard platforms by developing a set of functions to search for inconsistencies in applications and devices. Banks and large companies that produce mobile applications for the operation of their systems are amongst his clients

Dmytro Krupych : Account Manager
Responsible for coordination of employees' work schedule and its timely execution. Also has an experience in the management of competitiveness. Specialist in investor relations.

Lei Ling : Social Media and PR - China
Highly qualified specialist in the fields of digital social media, mass media and network communication services. Also has an experience in conducting PR campaigns in China, bringing the product development to a new level.

denis purgin : UI/UX designer
Has an experience in design of more than 3 years. Art director and acting teacher of UX design in the Indigo agency. More than 150 completed projects. 50 trained designers. He cooperated with such customers as Bond cigarettes, mobile operator MTS, Icos, Total and Elf engine oils.

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author : jhonwick007
my eth :  0x2032f0E6Ae5538014a02a333a456617ABABe5F77

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